I have been with Melaleuca for 2 years next month. The vitamines have taken me out of a burn out..i have energy to exercise again. I use the access bar to cycle, walk and visit the gym. I have lost weight and my hard belly in gone :)..I love all the cleaning products,,they work and […]
A differnet kind of company!
I think sometimes people are put off at first because they are just not used to dealing with a company that is so telling the truth when their CEO says “we don’t ever want anybody to be hurt by us”. He means that all our products are safe but just as important to him and […]
We have only been with Melaleuca since March 2011 but can already feel and see the benefits of the products. I have several favorite products! One is DiamondBrite dishwashing detergent. With our old brand, it was really hard to breathe and the odor was horrible. Now with DiamondBrite, I don’t smell anything, even when I […]
I think the more appropriate question is… “What DON’T you love about Melaleuca??” Well, all I can say is NOTHING!!!!
Subtle smell
I want a clean home but I hated cleaning because of the strong smells of leading brand name cleaners, i was hesitant I joining because I thought I was going to order something that smell as bad or worse because I did t know what I was expecting, I received my first order and off […]
Cleaning Supplies
I love their cleaning supplies! My house smells fresher and non-toxic and I am not affraid to let my kids help me if they want to! I love the laundry supplies and the Vitamins for Women! I love the skincare and color also! I love everything about Melaleuca and I have been a member since […]
access bars
I love the Access bars before I work out. I have been using them for about 7 years now and they help me get through a 2 hour workout without feeling exhausted. They are also very good tasting and they satisfy me before a workout without upsetting my stomach or causing cramping.
I have taken vitamin supplements all of my adult life and tried everything on the market from the drugstore to the health stores and all the so-called “specialties” online! I’ve been a customer for over 7 years and nothing comes close to Melaleuca!!!
I have been a member since July of this year and I received my package of laundry in my first order and is amazing. With MelaPower 6x, MelaBright 6x and Mela Soft my clothes look wonderful , when I’m going to clean the dryer filter its come almost clean. I’m still use the same bottles […]
Love the Oligo
Have been a member for some months now and love the Oligo Vitality pack and the Renew Lotion. My skin is very dry and since I started using it daily am seeing a gradual improvement in my skin texture