Melaleuca Product Reviews

Why I Love Melaleuca

Melaleuca has been an amazing discovery for me. I was aware that certain environmental triggers caused my migraines, but until I started using Melaleuca, I never knew the effect the chemicals in household cleaners had on me. In the last year, I have only had two migraines and both occurred after I used CLR and 409 cleaners. I hate to think how much I suffered simply because I was using cleaners in my home…not to mention how many $424 prescriptions I had filled to treat those unnecessary migraines.
Another reason I love Melaleuca is because I no longer have to worry about the reaction my daughter is going to have to the detergents, shampoos, soaps and lotions. Both my daughter and me have sensitive skin and were prone to hives from using certain beauty products and detergents. With Melaleuca that worry is eliminated and we save a lot of money because what I purchase is safe for us and we are able to use it. We are no longer throwing out all we cannot use.

Melaleuca is great! We are safer, we save a lot of money, we shop from home any time of the day, everything is delivered to our home and the customer service and perks the company offers are great!

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