Bought a commercial portable carpet extractor. experimented with the Mela Power laundry detergent, Mela Brite and Mela Magic. Put 1oz. of Mela Magic in a 1gal. spray pump and pre sprayed the carpet then racked it with a carpet rack. Gave it 5min. dwell time. Added 10gal. of water to the extraction tank, 2oz. of Mela power, 2oz. Melabrite. turned the machine on and proceeded to clean. I was amazed with the result cleaned better then the carpet cleaning chem. I’ve used before. I cleaned over 2400sq. ft. It would had taken 8gals. of carpet chem. to clean it at a cost of about $56.. I opened a 48oz. bottle of Mela Power, Mela Brite and a 16oz. bottle of Mela Magic when I finished I still had plenty of cleaner left. Speaking of which, after that, I cleaned my van my friends car interior a 4rm. house and 3 more sunday school rooms at church and I still have cleaner left to keep on cleaning more rooms of carpet . “Unbelievable!”