Melaleuca Product Reviews

Touched & Changed my life! WOW!

I have a million reasons why I am in love with Malaleuca. I am so blessed… because of it that its absolutely amazing! My husband suffered from Medical Intractable epilepsy, this means that the medications do little to no good and he has been on trials for every medication they make. We have seen a 40% reduction in seizures in just one month of using the nutrients and removing the caustic chemicals. Not only that but his seizures would wipe him out and he rarely had energy, now he is out walking & is full of pep. Our son is 3 years old and suffers from asthma; he was on singulair and an almost adult strength breather 2xtwice daily. Since changing over our home he only uses the breather 1xdaily and is off singulair. I also have had asthma for years… and now I am living without my singulair and breathing better by the day. In addition, at 29 I am not in the best shape, have had high blood pressure for nearly two years. After just two weeks on the vitality 6 my blood pressure is textbook perfect. MY other success started years ago when on occasion my skin breaks out from a rare form of eczema, and I buy the lotion use it and it would go away… we decided after some health scares to give this a try and WOW! We are like a whole new family in a months’ time! WHO would not love to have wellness?

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