Thank you for making a site where we can come together and praise this wonderful company. I truly feel Melaleuca customers are a savvy group of consumers demanding better,safer products for our families…so we are taking our consumer power back from the giants and shopping with a US based manufacturing company – that even gives us a little piece of the pie:)
We’ve been customers about a year….and now my husband is off his BP meds he had been taking for 2 years and cholesterol lowered enough that he was able to stay off those meds,too. What a blessing our health is today because of Melaleuca. The products speak for themselves! From Renew, to the Tooth Polish, to Sol U Mel to the fabulous Melapower and Diamond Brite. I will never use anything else in my home again. Why would I? Better, safer, cheaper delivered right to my door? My family is benefiting in sooo many ways. My daughter (3rd grade teacher) just hit the 10K mark from her “part-time” Melaleuca business. Thank you for being the company with integrity and hope for our families.