“I had really bad dandruff, and my face was flaking really bad,” Tyler says. After trying every kind of cream and treatment he could find, Tyler came to accept his skin would always be this way. Then one day he met fellow marine Jeremy Moore, the son-in-law of Director II Paula Orr-Trotter. Tyler didn’t know it at the time, but this friendship would result in him discovering the amazing power of Renew Intensive Skin Therapy.
When Jeremy’s wife Mandy told her mom about Tyler’s terribly dry skin, the first thing Paula thought of was Renew.
“I told Mandy to give him some Renew,” Paula recalls. “But Mandy said, ‘I don’t know Mom, his skin is really bad. It’s the worst I’ve ever seen.’ But I convinced her to at least try. I’d left some Renew samples at her house and I told her to share one with Tyler.”
Mandy gave Jeremy a travel Renew for Tyler. After using Renew for a couple days, Tyler asked Jeremy where he could get a bigger bottle. Tyler could tell it was working. In just one week, there was a visible difference in his skin.
“I started noticing results a week after using it. I had less redness and flaking,” Tyler recalls.
Tyler has now been using Renew for over a year and it continues to help him keep his dry skin problems at bay. “I am always going to struggle with dry skin, but Renew keeps it from getting too bad,” Tyler says. “Renew works the best, better than anything I’ve ever used.”
Paula loves knowing that she can help a marine like Tyler, who is putting his life on the line to protect all of us. It might seem like a small thing, but Paula knows that to those who suffer from severely dry skin the relief Renew Lotion provides truly does enhance their lives.
“He’s a marine,” Paula says. “There’s not much us civilians can do for marines, because they’re taught to be self-sufficient. So to give them something that can actually enhance their lives, that’s priceless. This is something Tyler can use for the rest of his life.”