After having bypass surgery in 2004 with 6!!! blocked arteries I soon transferred my toxic drugs to patented natural ProvexCV (lowers blood pressure naturally) and Melaleuca’s Phytomega (lowers cholesterol naturally) for under $50. I have been on No drugs since 2004.
Many other products like Nutraview for the eyes-helps prevent cataracts, macular degeneration, helps blood vessels to the eyes-after being mugged in 2001 -punched beneath my left eye I had cloudy vision-my optomologist said there is no cure-that boxers get this that they can go blind- 1 year after using Nutraview the cloudiness left-here it is 2012 I’m 71 and have 20/20 vision. Along with this my residual income check comes in every month even when I don’t do the business. It NEVER stops.
The most amazing company. The most ethical company I ever came across. The most amazing products-all 350 of them-the services like LifeLock at a discount, home security half the price of ADT with residuals no less. The products have no chemicals and all guaranteed. Without being part of Melaleuca you and your family are missing out in life.