I work mornings as a home caregiver for a lovely 83 year old lady with severe Fibromyalgia and arthritis. She underwent Chemo last year. With all these factors, she experienced a great deal of pain in her right shoulder and back and neck.
Pain pills only slightly dulled the pain for her, but only one application of Pain-A-Trate made the pain vanish and restored full mobility to her arm that she previously could not lift above shoulder height (even that caused her pain). I was totally blown away by how fast the pain disappeared. It was gone in less than five minutes!
I also use the Diamond Brite automatic dish detergent. I was simply stunned by how our previously foggy glasses have become as clear as they were the day I bought them!
I love all of the products I purchase from Melaleuca, but my favorite is the Pain-A-Trate that helped my client and friend. Thanks for such great products!