Melaleuca Product Reviews


I have been with Melaleuca for 2 months now and just started getting their products and I can’t wait to get more!! I had a birthday party for my 3 year old yesterday and had friends and family over…and whenever anybody asked me for aspirin cause they had a headache, neck pain, whatever it was I handed them over my pain-a-trate ($3.80 for 1 oz.-that will last me roughly 100 uses). EVERYTIME within a minute of them applying it to your temples, forehead, and back of neck they said their headaches were gone!! It really is as good as they say… I was skeptical at first but I’m so excited to see the improvement in my family’s health with Melaleuca! My family loved it so much yesterday that I enrolled them into Melaleuca so that they can increase their health! Thank you Melaleuca for being a company that I can BELIEVE in!!!

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