I had plateaued in my work outs, well that was until my introduction to the Access Bars! I lost 8lbs in the first 8 days of using the bars because my body was now burning fat for energy rather than muscle! Also, instead of my work outs becoming less intense the last 30 minutes I […]
Search Results for: access
Access bars
I have been a Melaleuca customer for 2 years and love it! The peace of mind from having a toxin free house is great. I also can’t say enough about the Access bars…they have helped my marathon training tremendously. I have so much less muscle soreness and more endurance. Thanks to Access bars my pace […]
Access bars
I have been a Melaleuca customer for 2 years and love it! The peace of mind from having a toxin free house is great. I also can’t say enough about the Access bars…they have helped my marathon training tremendously. I have so much less muscle soreness and more endurance. Thanks to Access bars my pace […]
The Best! Especially Access Bars
I have been a Melaleuca customer for over 2 years and my family and I have benefitted in countless ways. I feel great that my home is free of harmful toxins, and that these environmentally freindly products really work! I also LOVE the Access bars which have really helped my running stamina and recovery from […]
Access Bars are Amazing
I am a group exercise instructor and the Access Bar helps me with energy and truly helps me teach a more effective class! Plus, I’m not sore after and I feel great knowing I am burning stored body fat! Jack R
Life changing
Since being introduced to Melaleuca products I have noticed such a difference. I partnered with Malaleuca a month after trying out some of their products and have been with them since (March 2013). I am healthier and my home is safer and cleaner. I have been telling everyone about their products. Since using Access bars […]
23 Years With Melaleuca
Life has been wonderfully improved for 23 years because of the blessing of many of the most revolutionary consumer products we’ve discovered shopping online with the Melaleuca Company. When our family of 6 began to experience the substantial benefits of science-based and safer solutions from a company that we could truly trust, it was only […]
I love all their products!!!!
I love all Melaleuca Products. My husband loves the Access Bars the Caramel Kruncher ones. They help him get through the day at work and have helped him lose some weight. We also use the Renew everyday on ourselves and our daughter who has eczema. I have almost all of the cleaning supplies and they […]
Another vet bill averted!
My blue heeler had a large baseball-sized growth on her flank, raised up about a inch off of her skin. After making an appointment for her to see the vet, I decided to try Melaleuca. I shaved her hair off of the site, put Melaleuca oil about 10 drops and then covered it with Mel-a-gel […]
Total Wellness
Melaleuca has kept me well for over a year! If I stop taking the Vitality 4 and/or run out of Activate-C, I inevitably catch a bug. So I make sure to never run out now, needless to say. FiberWise is the best daily cleanse and detox. I read the Melaleuca Wellness Guide to treat so […]