I have been a preferred customer since Sept 2008 here in Australia. And started the Oligo vitamins in MArch 2010 – within a week I had my life back! My energy was through the roof and I no longer struggled through the day and needing 10 hours sleep adn still feeling lethargic. Oligo gave me the energy I needed to exist on 6 hours sleep. And when I started the Daily for Life including the amazing Provex CV that just boosted my immune system and helped with chronic sinus that I had battled for years. I love Melaleuca so much, I now rep the brand and in the next few years I will be an EXEC DIRECTOR. These products are amazing – every one can benefit and with the ability to generate an income by promoting such a wonderful company. rolled into the package, I guess that is why 80 % who take a look, become Melaleuca customers!