Melaleuca Product Reviews

Melaleuca Forever In Our Home

We have been customers since Feb. 1989 and love these products. I am an asthmatic and when introduced to Melaleuca I thought what if I got the chemicals out of the house maybe it could make a difference. I was a nurse for 33 years and I was not a vitamin user so I knew I would get my money back on those. We bought a value pack and converted our home. I did start using the vitamins after many trys & t didn’t take long before Del and I were using the supplements as they were introduced. My health has improved so much and instead of 3 inhalers I always carry one in my purse just in case it is needed but can’t remember when I last used it. After using the products I wanted our family to be healthier and that’s how our business began. Last year we were able to become debt free due to our income earned from Melaleuca. We love you Melaleuca and we are Melaleuca Forever customers

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