Melaleuca Product Reviews

Finding my passion

My Melaleuca story started a year ago, February 2010. I was a new mommy. My precious baby boy was less than 5 months old. I had been back at work for a little over a month, and the once very dedicated and devoted employee that I was had become a very scatter brained, emotional mess.

Every morning I bawled my eyes out on the way to work, and all day long I felt like someone had cut out my heart.

Just a month prior, my son had come down with a critical case of RSV, and I kept missing work to take care of him. I knew that it was not good for my co-workers to have to pick up the slack when I was gone, but I also knew that Logan would be so much better off if I were home with him. In my heart, I knew that I belonged at home. Only problem, we could not survive without my income.

I did a lot of praying and a lot of soul searching, and a lot of internet searching. One Friday afternoon, Melaleuca found me, and I never looked back. I quit my job and came home, but I found more than I had ever dreamed!

Not only am I able to stay home and be a full time mom to my son while still providing financially, I have control! For the first time in my life, I have the ability to take charge and not depend on anyone giving me a raise, or extra hours. I don’t have to worry about anyone having to pick up my slack on the days that I need to take off.

And even more important than the financial and time freedom, Melaleuca has changed our lives physically. Just a couple of months ago, I was doing laundry and turned around to see that Logan had grabbed the fully concentrated bottle of Pre Spot, opened it and poured it on his head. A year ago, that would have been bleach water and he very well may have died. The Pre Spot did not even irritate his eyes, or his skin. He simply just had a fun bath.

I am very much into health and fitness and I wanted desperately to lose the baby weight, but knew that there was not anything on the market that I could safely use to help me shed the pounds while breastfeeding. The Access bars changed that for me! Because there are no harmful ingredients in the access bar, I was able to use it to enhance my work outs and get quicker results.

I cannot put a price tag on what Melaleuca means to me and my family. To have products in our home that are completely safe, non-toxic, as well as nutritional supplements that provide everything our bodies need without side effects, the income and time freedom I need to be a mom, as well as the ability to truly help others on a personal level…it is a peace of mind that is absolutely invaluable! I have the best of everything here. Daily household necessities I can trust, control of my life, and the ability to accomplish anything I dare dream while helping others along the way!

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