Hi! I have been shopping at Melaleuca for many years (15) and love it. I have experienced most of our products because they work better. I started taking Provex Plus with the Vitality Pack, I have had 2 car accidents in those years. First car accident I was in a coma 36 days, the other car accident I crushed 3 virtabrae in my back. I don’t know where I would be if I didn’t have the essentials the Replenex Extra Strength joint health supplement drink mix.
I have 3 part time jobs I water plants and vacuum the family enrichment center where young mom’s and dad’s go to get support for their families. I went to the Woman’s center and this woman that advocated for young people she saw me and could not believe it. My cast was off. I heeled in one week.
I want to thank Melaleuca and all It has done for me and I have heard all the things it has helped so many other people.
Thank you!