Every year without fail since I have been a child I would get a cold. Not just an ordinary cold that would last 1 week, they would last 4 weeks. Day and night I would bark like a dog and my nose dripping like a tap. A couple of years ago my coughing was so bad I burst a blood vessel in my eye. Last year, I couldn’t believe it, but I didn’t get a cold. I have been using Melaleuca for 6 yrs of course. This year I have had 2 colds, both lasting 1 week and very mild.
My Melaleuca cold kit?
Renew bath oil for chest and nose (great for sore noses and so much better than Vicks)
Sol-u-mel for spraying on your pillow.
Tea tree oil for burning in a burner before I go to bed.
And of course Activate which I take right at the first sign of a cold.
when you get colds as bad as mine you can’t help but love Melaleuca. It has taken me this long to find all this out because I have only bought my wellness guide in the last 12 months.