I love Melaleuca because it gave me peace of mind and security. For 18 years I have received a check every month that has supported my family! I can sleep at night because I know they are a solid, ethical, and reliable company that I can count on!
I really enjoy being with Melalueca
I enjoy cleaning products to the lotion, Zap it facial wash. Disinfectants and Deoderizer Solugard and Solumel are just happily needed to inhale and exhale. Im a thankful customer and the referring the product is not bad since it can sale itself. The money is not the motivation for something needed. The money only comes […]
Renew Lotion…Amazing results
I’ve recently partnered with Melaleuca and in the shortest time I was convinced that their product really works. My son, a 6 yr. old, had suffered from eczema since he was a baby. Eczema made his life uncomfortable especiallybeing itchy all the time and due to scratching it made his skin bleed. He’s been into […]
Sol-u-Mel Presto Chango!
I’ve been a customer since September ’10 and just this April started building my business! Tonight I realized how soiled my cutting board was…then I tried Sol-u-Mel on it with little PreSpot and PRESTO! It’s clean for the 1st time since I bought it! Thank you Melaleuca for these amazing products that are so versatile!
Brighten My Day
I just started using Melaleuca for the first time on saturday one week ago, cause I used Tide and Clorox bleach and I try the laundry stain remover and the laundry detergent with the brightner and my white uniform shirts they came out very white and bright. and also used it on my husband work […]
Loveeee Melaleuca
I love their vitamins and all of the products I have purchased so far. I am really happy so far – became a member 2 months ago. So far so good!
Provex CV & Vitality Pack
I have been a customer since 1998. When I first was introduced to the company–kicking and screaming, I might add–I was falling asleep behind the wheel, had cholesterol blockages showing up on my x-rays, and had a 10 year case of a bad bowel disfunction. These two products treated all three of those problems, along […]
I love the Melaleuca products b/c they are non-toxic. I’ve been a member only since January of this year (2011). I find that their products are very superior! My nine year old daughter was diagnosed with Shingles and the doctor told me it would take six to nine weeks to clear up, and that she […]
Of course I love the products and they have changed my way of thinking about all of the chemicals in our lives. However, I love the fellowship and friendship of all of the persons that I have met on my journey. I have only been a member since January 2011but I wish I had known […]
New Baby in the family
I love the Ecosense PreSpot laundry spot remover. With a new baby in the family, I was dreading all of the spit up spots on my son’s onsies that never came out of my daughter’s clothing. Prespot is wonderful. It’s taken out poop stains, spit up, grass stains, crayon, and blood.