Last year, 2011, I was cold free for the first time in my life, every year without fail I would get at least one cold, and I get them full on, they last about 4 wks, and I am pretty sick. I have used Melagel the same as you use vicks, and I spray my […]
Affinia Volumizing Shampoo!
I’ve never been happy with my sparse, fine hair. Even expensive shampoos did nothing or weighed it down, in spite of promises to the contrary. I purchased Melaleuca’s Affinia Volumizing Shampoo just because of the great price, but I did not really expect anything of it. I shampoo 6 or 7 times a week. After […]
Zap-it! Really works!
My fiance and I have been with Melaleuca since August of 2011 and I absolutely could not live without their products in our home! But the one I know for sure has worked the best for me is the Zap-it! system. I use the cleanser, toner, and quick stick twice every day and I use […]
My skin looks awesome!!
I have been a Melaleuca member since October 2011. I love all of my Melaleuca products but I have to say the best results for me so far….my skin!! I started using their facial cleanser and then the acne zap-it wash. I am in my 30s and always had issues with breakouts on my chin. […]
Love the cleaning products
I’ve been with Melaleuca for 2 years now and I LOVE the cleaning products. My favorite is the Tough and Tender and Tub and Tile. We are all die hard Cinnamen Tooth Polish users. I’ve never had any issues in calling up and asking for help to customer service. They have always bent over backwards […]
Melaleuca Facts
Fraud, Scam or whatever people say really doesn’t matter. Or maybe, people don’t read the “out clause” or terms and conditions before signing their name on the dotted line. It does not matter. Here are the Facts about Melaleuca, they sold over a BILLION DOLLARS last year worth of products, so people must like their […]
I just joined Melaleuca recently and ordered RENEW in my first order. I have a scale buildup on my legs and was going to bring it up on my next doctor visit. I “tested” it on one leg and it immediately cleared it up. My wife and I are both completely amazed at how fast […]
Superior products and excellent CS
We’ve been Melaleuca customers since 1991 and have experienced first-hand how Melaleuca has always listened to their customers and always aimed to formulate and manufacture the most superior of products for home, health and the environment. We’ve ordered products every month since 11/1991! I truly credit Melaleuca products with giving me a quality of life […]
Toothpaste & Mouth Rinse
I have always had an issue with my teeth not being as white as I would’ve liked them to be. I have been using the Melaleuca Toothpaste & the Mouth Rinse since Oct. 2011, and my teeth look GREAT!! I love everything about both products. Thank You Melaleuca 🙂
Affinia Shampoo
As I reached my 60’s my hair started to thin at the temples and every time I washed my hair I would lose many strands of hair. I started using Melaleuca’s sulfate free Affinia Volumizing Shampoo about 3 weeks ago and already my hair loss has been cut in half. Melaleuca does it again, another […]