There are so many reasons why i Love Melaleuca. I Love the products. They are absolutely amazing. melapower is a fantastic laundry soap. It gets stains out of clothes that i never thought would ever come out. Pre-spot helps with HORRIBLE stains, including red kool-aid! and my all time favorite.
Sol-u-guard is the GREATEST
My stepson has a very low immune system so I have to make sure to keep everything very clean and try to get rid of germs as much as possible. Well until I found Melaleuca I was having trouble with that cleaning toys all the time with soap and water was so time consuming. I […]
I love Sei Bella Shampoo
I have to say, I’m 24 and joined Melalecua a couple of months ago. Since I was 16 my hair has not grown ( I’m sure it grows but it breaks). Now that i have an 8 month old daughter I always just throw my hair up in a bun and leave it there. I […]
Melaleuca Loyal Customers
We’ve been loyal customers for 18 years and we are totally into the products. My blood work has been nothing short of incredible (better at 69 than 49) Using the Natural Shampoo and the vitamins I’ve noticed losing less hair as well as getting grey slowly. (all my 4 brothers are all grey or major […]
Why I love Melaleuca…
I have several reasons for loving Melaleuca: The Wellness Company. The number 1 reason is that it has allowed me to change the life for my family in many areas of wellness – health, environmental and financial. I have been able to decide not to return to work after my maternity leave has ran out […]
Sol U Mel for pet stains
We love our house in the country but I have no idea what possessed the previous owners to put in such light carpet in a house on a farm! Stains have been appearing everywhere with the humidity and now that I have started with Melaleuca I am using diluted Sol-U-Mel on all of them – […]
I have been on the Oligo Total for over a year now. My health and energy are much improved. I originally started for my heart health, because my father died at 49 of a heart attack, and I have cardiovascular disease. My recent bloodwork showed my cholesterol under 200, down from the 230-240 range, for […]
Access Bar
The Access Bar is the most phenomenal energy bar on planet earth. The science is incredible. I enrolled a heart surgeon friend that is an avid (maniac) cyclist. He was stunned how he could ride for 100 miles and never hit the wall or bonk! I also have swimmers that have all had new best […]
Another vet bill averted!
My blue heeler had a large baseball-sized growth on her flank, raised up about a inch off of her skin. After making an appointment for her to see the vet, I decided to try Melaleuca. I shaved her hair off of the site, put Melaleuca oil about 10 drops and then covered it with Mel-a-gel […]
Since I switched to Melaleuca products in March 2013, I have not had a single allergy attack, not even when I cut the grass. I have also not had a single asthma flare up since I switched. I love being able to breathe like I should 🙂 So far, I love everything I have tried!