I used to make a herbal tincture sleep aid. It worked great, but tasted all manner of nasty. The word “vile” comes to mind. So, when Melaleuca brought their Rest EZ back out for customers, with the same ingredients as my herbal tincture (all herbs, no chemicals), I knew I had to try it. I tracked my sleep patterns using my FitBit, with Rest EZ, and without Rest EZ. Without RestEZ, it takes me 4x longer (on average) to fall asleep and I’m 10x more restless (tossing and turning, even if I don’t fully wake up). My sleep efficiency percentage was even lower too. I would continue my experiment, but I like a great night’s sleep way too much…tonight, I’m taking the Rest EZ again! Thank you Melaleuca for making something that is safe, natural, non-habit forming, and that works so well!!
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