You know, I never felt the need to write a testimonial, product story, or post on why I love Melaleuca as much as I do. Because everyone in their own time will come to love something and have their own, without me droning on about how I think everything is so fabulous, no matter how much I actually do believe that. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Hope Marie Vitale, I live in Las Vegas, Nevada and have been around the products for 20 years when my parents Deb and Ben Vitale enrolled. I am now 24 and have had my own account for 6 years, actually since the day I turned 18. Every product I have ever tried for the last 20 years has been amazing, done what it has been made for and more, but that is not why I am here today. If you were at this years Convention in Salt Lake, you know how amazing and impacting the products that were announced will be. But for those who haven’t had the opportunity of seeing the new product announce live, a product called GC Control was brought out, to essentially help those with Metabolic syndrome to get their glucose under control before becoming diabetic. In 2006 my bestfriend, David Roberts, at age 19 died due to diabetes, and I thought to myself at Convention while watching this product being explained, “Frank, you are too late… where were you 6 years ago, you could have saved him.”. But then I took a moment and thought, now I have purpose, everyone who could be prevented from death, from living with a silent disease such as diabetes… those are the people who I need to worry about now, and show them they don’t have to be a statistic. I now have a why as to why I love this company. It can prevent people just like me, from ever having to live the tragedy that is losing someone far to young. We can’t prevent car crashes or suicide, but we can help to prevent losing those to a disease that has no remorse. Thank you Frank VanderSloot.